Demon Hunter Kain Chapter 6: The Boy Called Kain, Page 100 is up!
An uneasy feeling and stories to tell…
Demon Hunter Kain Chapter 6: The Boy Called Kain, Page 99 was added today. Check it out HERE
Good Morning Dear Readers,
I have been absent for over a month and have said that it was due to a family emergency, and emergency that is still ongoing.
On April 15th my younger brother, Troy, got into a motorcycle accident on the island of St. Croix, located in the US Virgin Islands (where I’m originally from). Fortunately, there were no broken bones, unfortunately he had a good amount of road rash and he was knocked unconscious and has remained in a slight coma to this day. A day after the accident he had to be flown to Miami, Florida for more examination and treatment.
He is somewhat aware of people being around him and is a bit sensitive to touch but he is not fully “there”. He can’t talk or look at you or even respond in other ways. The doctors say we have to wait for him to fully wake up.
My mother has been staying with him in his hospital room. Hearing about the accident, getting info only through text messages and calls with my mother from Miami were heart-wrenching experiences. I’ve gone down to Miami to visit them the week of May 8th. I was able to keep my mom’s spirits high and make her laugh, but couldn’t do anything for my brother. The whole family and all our friends just have to be patient. There have been little signs here and there that his body is possibly “waking” so we are praying and staying positive.
This is the reason for my abrupt hiatus and I thank you all for your patience. It’s hard to be creative with this situation in the air and also my day job still needing my attention as well.
However I couldn’t leave you fans in the lurch like that, I had to push myself to finish this chapter. So please enjoy the last pages of Chapter 6 as the hiatus is still ongoing until my brother gets better.
As always thank you all for reading, thank you all for your support and understanding, and thank you all for your prayers and well wishes.
Have a great day, y’all
Burrell Gill Jr